On a winter's afternoon, there were children's whispers and musicians tuning their instruments under a big top. Suddenly, the orchestra accompanied the arrival of some extraordinary characters. Mesmerized by a light and joyful music, the silhouettes of acrobats floating and daring tricks performed. My daughter's eyes sparkle in the darkness. Her bursts of laughter and surprise remind me that, I discovered these performers who take us on a timeless journey at the same age. During this sensational tale, I realized the physical performance was pushing the limit. It took circus and street performers so many years of training to achieve these feats. They must have the perfect gesture on the day of the performance. At that moment, I felt the fragility and the magic that I still experience when shooting with expired polaroids: the dizziness of having only an instant, only a chance to accomplish one's work. I wanted to immortalize the portraits of these incredible artists, to pay tribute to their generosity and their fervor to dazzle us.